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EvidenceWorks® BWV – Secure, integrated management of Body Worn Video

EvidenceWorks® BWV – Secure, integrated management of Body Worn Video

EvidenceWorks® BWV is a module of the EvidenceWorks® Digital Evidence Management platform that brings a new, secure and integrated approach to the management of Body Worn Video to Police Forces as part of a holistic approach to the management of all digital media and evidence.



EvidenceWorks® Body Worn Video is a module of the EvidenceWorks® Digital Evidence Management platform that brings a new, secure and integrated approach to the management of Body Worn Video to Police Forces as part of a holistic and coherent approach to the management of all digital media and evidence.

EvidenceWorks® BWV employs the same networked repository infrastructure integrated with camera docking and download capability to provide a seamless process for officers to transfer all videos captured during a shift into the system, analyse them, add metadata and securely store them with policies defined according to guidelines on retention, review and disposal.

Once ingested into the repository all the files are available through the EvidenceWorks® Manager application across the network to allow for further review, cropping and integration with case files and record management systems – with all access, viewings and actions taken audited to ensure evidential integrity. If integrated with other data sources such as CCTV, Digital Interviews or CSI images all the BWV footage can be viewed alongside these items to provide a complete view of all evidence as part of ongoing investigations.

Whilst EvidenceWorks® BWV is camera agnostic and will work with a range of BWV cameras vendors to provide an integrated solution, EvidenceWorks has recently been developed with our partner Edesix, to provide a fully integrated, scalable solution available from Lots 3 and 4 of the National Body Worn Video Framework.image11






Solution highlights

  • Ingest, catalogue, search/retrieve, clip/edit, share
  • Metadata from native devices or added by users
  • Improved data quality
  • Reduced data entry
  • Original media retained and copies/edits audited
  • Central core database that can integrate with force tiered storage solutions
  • Maintains Evidential Integrity through audit and access controls
  • MoPI compliant with full review, retain and delete management of data
  • Provides user access to stored data for search and retrieval with each item allocated a workflow for review by a user
  • Specialist Audio and Video services for review and edit and ‘case file building’ and workflow
  • Modular licencing for data sources
  • System Management, profiles and configuration
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