Canadian Association of Chiefs of police 111th annual conference /Association canadienne des chefs de la Conférence annuelle 111e de police



Message From Our President – Password: ribbetCACP

This year’s theme, “Public Safety in a Digital Age: Real Victims – Real Crime” will help steer discussions towards the growing significance of technology as an evolving threat to public safety in our communities.

And while the conference is centered on professional enrichment, delegates will also have an opportunity to explore the city of Ottawa – considered to be one of the most beautiful capitals in the world.

The city boasts historic architecture, an abundance of open space and parklands, and borders the province of Québec, creating a dynamic cultural atmosphere in which both French and English cultures are deeply rooted. Known for the Parliament Buildings and a vast assortment of museums, Ottawa is home to dynamic restaurants celebrating the city’s cultural diversity. The conference will be held in the stunning Shaw Centre, attached to our host hotel, The Westin Ottawa, and close to shopping in the historic Byward Market.


Click here to register online

Note: Some organizational firewalls do not permit online registration. See downloadable documents for printable registration form.

Registration Form 
