Discount Products: Look through products available for a 25% – 50% discount in 2020. The items provided on a first come, first serve basis. View Discounted Products
Discount Products: Look through products available for a 25% – 50% discount in 2020. The items provided on a first come, first serve basis. View Discounted Products
The Perception System is a generic, configurable data processing solution enabling the industrial use of hyperspectral cameras for high speed tasks like sorting in many industries like food processing, recycling, mining, pharmaceuticals and many more.
By adapting a hyperspectral camera with a Perception System, Chemical Colour Imaging turns the camera system into an easy-to-understand and intuitive configurable “chemical colour camera”. The chemical colours reflect the molecular properties of the scanned objects.
Machine vision technology has gone through a constant development process over the past decades. Starting with monochrome cameras, which use differences in contrast for defect detection, imaging technology has advanced to increasingly precise colour cameras revealing even the smallest colour deviation.
Thanks to our many years of experience as a partner of renowned companies in the industrial field we completely understand our customers´ requirements. Our Perception System use proven standard interfaces such as GigE Vision and CameraLink.
Your benefits:
For more than 50 years, Integrys has been the industry leader in selecting and evaluating rugged and embedded computers, imaging and video technology and engineering solutions.
Spectral Processing Power
Spectral Processing