New Supplier Resonon – Hyperspectral Imaging Solutions

Integrys is pleased to highlight one of our newest suppliers, Resonon, a rapidly-growing company that designs, manufactures, and supports hyperspectral imagers and related hardware and software for research and industry.

Pika L Hyperspectral Imaging Camera

Pika L, 400-1000 nm lightweight VNIR hyperspectral camera


Resonon’s turnkey systems are easy to use, affordable, and provide high-precision data. Founded in 2002, Resonon is based in Boseman, Montana.Resonon hyperspectral systems enable you to accurately and consistently distinguish between similar colors or materials. Their systems are in use worldwide on platforms ranging from airplanes to microscopes. Applications include: 

Resonon 1

Machine vision

Hyperspectral machine vision detects small color differences more accurately and identifies different materials more reliably than conventional imaging. Resonon’s system can be interfaced to robots, labeling devices, or used as feedback for sorting, grading, or process control.


Hyperspectral infrared imagers can identify counterfeits, find defects, and eliminate prescription errors.The image shows three types of white pills, indistinguishable by color to the human eye, but accurately classified via Resonon near-infrared hyperspectral machine vision.

Resonon 2Identifying finished goods

A major manufacturer of laminates uses Resonon machine vision systems at multiple facilities to identify over 30,000 products daily from a library of several thousand.
The image shows two nearly identical products that are accurately differentiated using Resonon machine vision.



Remote sensing 

Resonon 3Resonon hyperspectral imaging cameras are used in air, space, and underwater vehicles to capture detailed spectral data for a wide range of uses.

Environmental monitoring

Resonon 4Hyperspectral imaging is used to track forest health, water quality, and surface contamination.


Resonon 5Hyperspectral imaging is used for a wide range of biological and medical applications.

Food analysis

Resonon 6Resonon’s hyperspectral imaging systems are used in food research and industry to identify defects, characterize product quality, and locate contaminants.


  Contact us for more information about Resonon and its array of hyperspectral imaging solutions.



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