Given our 50-year history and wide range of clients, Integrys is well positioned to tackle many computing and imaging challenges.
Over time, our in-house engineering team has developed many specialized strengths:
Imaging and Video Systems
This is an Integrys specialty. Vision systems enhance performance, yield, and quality control. Imaging systems help our cities manage traffic and help our law enforcement agencies find stolen vehicles and criminal records, scan our terrain, and map our geography. They often provide eyes where human lives can’t be risked. And our imaging know-how extends well into the harshest environments. Video system requirements in harsh environments are an Integrys area of expertise.
Many client applications have extreme performance requirements: vibrations that would destroy a standard PC in a day; dust and spatters; temperature variations beyond reason; the need to withstand pressure hose washing shock, vibration and pressure experienced in land, sea and air deployments—and more. Integrys designs, installs, and services systems like this every day. Embedded and industrial computing in harsh environments is another Integrys specialty.
Leapfrog Technology
By adopting technology that allows them to leapfrog by generations, we help clients in fast-moving sectors gain competitive advantage. Clients count on us to focus on their evolving technological needs—so they can focus on their businesses.
Cross-Sector Migration
We often solve challenges in one industry by adapting proven solutions developed for a completely unrelated business, often from a different sector. This insight comes from exposure to a wide range of technologies, applications and industries.
You don’t grow over 50 years in the high-tech sector unless clients can count on you. We’re all about reliability. We design it into our solutions, guarantee it in our supply chain, and ensure it with technical support. We know that profitable business depends on it and our customers depend on us to deliver it.