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Ramin Amiri is employed by prestigious security company City Protection Group (CPG) as head of security at an electronic store in Sweden by day, and by night is a bouncer at a popular weekend night club.

Ramin has the authority to make an arrest, which is often necessary in his line of work as he frequently encounters challenging situations. His team calls individuals who cause trouble “People of Interest” (POI).

How did you hear about body worn video?

“I first heard about body worn video through the company we get our security vests from. They were recommending the technology. I also heard about the kit from a colleague who works at a different night club. He had been using Reveal’s cameras for his work and was having great success from them.

Why did you want body worn cameras?

“I wanted the cameras for three reasons: to protect my security guards from false allegations; to collect evidence for court, but most importantly; to deter incidents.

“We wanted the cameras with the front facing screen because we had heard from my colleague that it is such a deterring piece of equipment.”

Have the cameras made a difference?

“The cameras have made a tremendous difference. Since deploying them I have not made a single arrest where the POI has been aggressive and tried to fight me or run off.

“I had a situation with one man who had been stealing. As soon as we had stopped him I recognised him as a historically violent person who had resisted arrest on a previous occasion and tried to fight and run away.

“This time, with the camera, he was looking at himself on the front facing screen for the whole incident, instead of looking at me, his focus was on the camera. I could see in his eyes that he was contemplating escaping and figuring out how to get away, but because he was being filmed he knew it wouldn’t make a difference.

“He was found to have a large quantity of drugs on him, so clearly, he was desperate to get away but because of the camera he didn’t.

“The best thing about it was that he saw the camera and his behaviour altered without me having to draw attention to it or explain it to him.”

Which Reveal camera are you using?

“I am using the RS1-SX. It is tidy, and it fits well on my shirt because it is small and light.

“I use the RS3-SX when I work as a bouncer though because its advanced features are necessary in a night club setting.”

How does the front facing screen make a difference?

“It makes an amazing difference immediately when we confront a POI because it is clear that there is a camera recording. They are far less likely to make things up or become aggressive because they know that we are recording their conduct and everything that is said. They also can’t run away because they know it’s not an option.

“I believe that the front facing screen makes the camera into a tool for deterring incidents. Other cameras are only good for collecting evidence to be used afterwards and are therefore a difference tool completely.”

How does the articulated camera head make a difference?

“I am 195cm tall. Most people I come across are smaller than me, so if a camera without an articulated camera head was on me, it would probably be pointing in the wrong direction over the POI’s head!”

How does the one touch record make a difference?

“It is good in all cases, but it especially good in sudden or unexpected incidents. You just bring the switch down with one quick motion and then you are hands free to deal with the incident. It makes a big difference.

“I don’t even think about it anymore, it’s that easy.”

How have you found working with Reveal?

“Great. The support has been brilliant.”

Overall, how have you found using Reveal’s cameras?

“The cameras have become my most used and my most important tool. We don’t just want to collect high quality evidence of incidents, we would rather avoid them all together. So it’s great that the cameras reduce the amount of incidents and make POI less violent when something kicks off.”

Would you recommend Reveal?

“I would recommend Reveal because I’ve looked into other camera providers and they do not seem to be able to provide the same benefits that a front facing screen, articulated camera head and one touch record bring.”